Come on down to the Thunder Bay Museum on October 8th, 7:00pm, and listen to the fur trade, a presentation by Dr. Daniel R. Laxer. His book will be available for purchase for $35.00. This will be an in-person event that is free to view. The presentation will be broadcast live via ZOOM for those who cannot attend in-person and recorded and posted to the Museum's YouTube at a later date.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Daniel R. Laxer graduated with his B.A. in History and Music from the University of Alberta and went on to study histories of music and sound in the fur trade for his M.A. at York University and Ph.D. at the University of Toronto. He has published in numerous academic journals such as Ontario History, The Journal of Canadian Studies, and Material Culture Review. His newly published book is a part of the Early Canada/Avant le Canada series of McGill-Queen's University Press. He currently works as a historical researcher for the Negotiations and Reconciliation Division of Ontario's Ministry of Indigenous Affairs.
Topic: Listening to the Fur Trade: A New History of its Music, Dances, and Ceremonies
Time: Oct 8, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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